
Lina Bo Bardi

Lina Bo Bardi



Born in Rome, Italy, Lina Bo Bardi (1914 – 1992) began her career under Gio Ponti. At the age of 32, she married Pietro Maria Bardi, an art gallery director, dealer, and critic. Soon after that they moved to Brazil, where her husband had been invited to help to establish the Art Museum of São Paulo (MASP), the first museum in Brazil to collect modern art. In 1951, she designed her own residence, known as ‘Casa de Vidro/ Glass House’ and was her first work of architecture, including the furniture in Murumbi, São Paulo. There are only two private houses that were designed by her and are in existence. That’s because she mainly designed public buildings such as MASP, rebuilt in 1968 and is her iconic work, and  SESC Pompeia, renovated from an old steel drum can factory into a public sports and cultural center in 1986, in São Paulo. In the late 1950s to the middle of 1960s, she had lived in Salvador, a city in the northeastern state of Bahia, and worked to restore the center of the city. As a furniture designer, she established a design company ’Studio d’Arte Palma’ with Giancarlo Palanti, an Italian architect in 1949. Although it stayed open for just two years, the company manufactured modern furniture with simple structures using plywood and Brazilian materials. Her first piece of furniture was designed in 1947 for the auditorium of MASP. Besides this, she designed furniture for most of her architectural works. During her lifetime it was difficult to be accepted among the local Brazilian architects, because she was both a "foreigner" and a woman. A prolific architect and designer, she devoted her working life to promoting the social and cultural potential of architecture and design.

イタリア・ローマ生まれのリナ・ボ ・バルディ(1914-1992)は、ジオ・ポンティのもとでキャリアを積み、32歳のとき、アートディーラーのピエトロ・マリア・バルディと結婚。まもなく、ブラジルで最初に現代美術品を集めたサンパウロ美術館の立ち上げのために招致された夫とともにブラジルへ渡ります。1951年サンパウロのムルンビに、最初の建築作品となる自邸「ガラスの家」を設計。家具も手がけました。リナが設計した私邸で現存するものは、その自邸を含めてたった2軒のみ。それは、彼女がおもに公共建築物を手がけたからと言われています。1986年に改築されたサンパウロ美術館や、ドラム缶工場をサンパウロのカルチャースポーツセンターとしてリノベートした1986年のSESCポンペイアなど、サンパウロの顔となるような公共建築物をいくつも手がけています。1980年代後半には、バイーア州のサルヴァドールの歴史地区の再建のため尽力しました。

